St. Sava Monastery
St. Sava
THE SERBIAN Grand Zhupan (Patriarchal leader) Stephen Nemanja had two sons, Stephen and Vukan; yet, he and his wife Anna desired, if it be God’s will, to have another child. Their pious prayers ascended before God, Who heard their petition and blessed them with their last child, a son who was born in the year of our Lord 1175.
At baptism the child was given the name Rastko, a name derived from the Old Slavonic verb “rasti” which means “to grow.” And grow divinely he did…
St. Mardarije
Born in village of Kornet, Ljesani County, in Montenegro, on November 2, 1889, to pious parents Petar and Jela Uskokovic, he was baptized in his village church dedicated to St. George and received his baptismal name Ivan. His mother was from the well-known Bozovic family. Both of his parents were well respected in their community holding the office of leadership and particularly his father was a captain of their clan.
News / Blog
St. Mardarije Celebration at St. Sava Monastery
Date: Saturday, July 13th, 2024 St. Sava Monastery, Libertyville, IL Join us at the St. Sava Monastery in Libertyville, Illinois, for a day of reverence, community, and celebration as we honor St. Mardarije on Saturday,
Освећење Цркве Свете Марије Египћанке: Радосно Славље у Канзас Ситију
Слава Богу за обилну благодат и милост коју је излио на парохију Свете Марије Египћанке у Канзас Ситију, Мизури. Из скромних почетака 1987. године на трећем спрату градске продавнице у близини центра града, Света Марија сада
Consecration of St. Mary of Egypt Parish: A Joyous Celebration in Kansas City
Glory to God for the abundant grace and mercy He has poured out on the St. Mary of Egypt parish in Kansas City, MO. From humble beginnings in 1987 on the third floor of an
“As three strings on one instrument, and each one you play it touches the heart of the Serb;” Thus, such is the famous Monastery of Saint Sava in Libertyville in the middle of America.The first string is the monastery itself. The second one is the cemetery and the third one is the children’s camp. The string of prayer, the string of sorrow, and the string of joy.” (Bishop Nikolai)